Islamic countries -- History -- Chronology -- Juvenile literature. : Badcott, Nicholas
Pocket timeline of Islamic civilizations / Nicholas Badcott.
DS36.77 .B33 2009
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Claims Retd
Islamic countries -- Intellectual life.
Islamic art, literature, and culture / edited by Kathleen Kuiper.
DS36.8 .I837 2010
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic countries -- Politics and government. : Chernov-Hwang, Julie.
Peaceful Islamist mobilization in the Muslim world : what went right / Julie Chernov Hwang.
JQ1852.A91 C44 2009
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic countries -- Politics and government -- 20th century. : Shahram Akbarzadeh
Routledge handbook of political islam / edited by Shahram Akbarzadeh.
DS63.1 .R68 2012
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic countries -- Politics and government -- 21st century
Muslims in global politics : identities, interests, and human rights / Mahmood Monshipouri
JQ1852.A58 M66 2009
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Routledge handbook of political islam / edited by Shahram Akbarzadeh.
DS63.1 .R68 2012
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic demonology. : Ashqar, ʻUmar Sulaymān.
The world of the jinn and devils in the light of the Qurʼan and Sunnah / by Umar Sulaiman al-Ashqar ; translated by Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo.
BP166.89 .A8413 2005
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic discourse : A selection of schoolars and authors
Contemporary Islamic discourse : A call evaluation and reconsideration / A selection of schoolars and authors
BP173.25 2009
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic education.
Islam and education / edited by Tahir Abbas.
LC903 .I83 2011
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic Empire. : Ṣallābī, ʻAlī Muḥammad Muḥammad,
Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq = his life and times/ by Alī Muhammad Muhammad As-Sallaabee ; translated by Nasiruddin Khattab.
BP135.8.A28 S25 2012
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic Empire -- Civilization.
Beyond religious borders : interaction and intellectual exchange in the medieval Islamic world / edited by David M. Freidenreich and Miriam Goldstein.
DS135.L4 B49 2012
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic Empire -- Ethnic relations.
Beyond religious borders : interaction and intellectual exchange in the medieval Islamic world / edited by David M. Freidenreich and Miriam Goldstein.
DS135.L4 B49 2012
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic Empire -- History -- 622-661.
Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq = his life and times/ by Alī Muhammad Muhammad As-Sallaabee ; translated by Nasiruddin Khattab.
BP135.8.A28 S25 2012
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
ʻAli ibn Abi Tâlib / Ali M. Sallabi ; translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab.
BP193.1.A3 S25513 2010
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
ʻUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭâb : his life and times = [ʻUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb : shakhṣīyatuhu wa-ʻaṣruh] / ʻAli Muhammad as-Sallabi ; translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab.
DS38.4.U45 S2513 2007
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
ʻUthmān ibn ʻAffān / his life and times ʻAlī Muḥammad Muḥammad Ṣallābī; Rashid Hämäläinen.
DS38.4.U8 S35 2013
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic Empire -- History -- 661-750. : Lassner, Jacob.
Islam in the Middle Ages : the origins and shaping of classical Islamic civilization / Jacob Lassner and Michael Bonner.
DS36.85 .L37 2010
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic Empire -- History -- 750-1258.
The crusades through Arab eyes / Amin Maalouf ; translated by Jon Rothschild.
DS38.6 .M3213 1985
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Greek thought, Arabic culture : the Graeco-Arabic translation movement in Baghdad and early ʻAbbāsid society (2nd-4th/8th-10th centuries) / Dimitri Gutas.
DS36.82.G7 G88 1998
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islam in the Middle Ages : the origins and shaping of classical Islamic civilization / Jacob Lassner and Michael Bonner.
DS36.85 .L37 2010
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Ṣalâḥ ad-Deen al-Ayubi = Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn al-Ayyūbī / Ali M. Sallabi ; translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab.
DS38.4.S2 S24513 2010
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic Empire -- History -- Bibliography. : Ṣallābī, ʻAlī Muḥammad Muḥammad,
Al-Hasan ibn ʻAli ibn Abi Tâlib : his life and times = al-Ḥasan ibn ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib : shakhṣīyatuhu wa-ʻaṣruh / Dr. Ali M. Sallâbi ; translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab ; edited by Huda Khattab.
BP193.12.A3 S3413 2014
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic Empire -- Intellectual life. : Gutas, Dimitri.
Greek thought, Arabic culture : the Graeco-Arabic translation movement in Baghdad and early ʻAbbāsid society (2nd-4th/8th-10th centuries) / Dimitri Gutas.
DS36.82.G7 G88 1998
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic Empire -- Juvenile literature. : Doak, Robin S.
Empire of the Islamic world / Robin Doak ; Stephen Cory, historical consultant.
DS38.3 .D63 2010
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
islamic Environments : A selection of schoolars and authors
Environmental issues from islamic points of view / A selection of schoolars and authors
BP190.5.N38 2003
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic eschatology.
The minor resurrection; what happens after death / 'Umar S. al-Ashqar ; translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab.
BP166.8 .A7413 2005
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
The final day : Paradise and hell in the light of the Qurʼan and sunnah / ʻUmar Ashqar ; translated by
BP166.8 .A7413 2005
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic ethics.
Forty hadiths on good moral values with short commentaries = اربعون حديثا في محاسن الاخلاق مع تعليقات قصيرة / compiled and written by Yahya M.A. Ondigo.
BJ1291 .O53 2010
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Golden words from the lives of Allah's Messenger : the rightly-guided caliphs & major Muslim luminaries / Abdul Malik Mujahid ; translation Mohammad Kamal Myshkat ; edited by Abdul Waghied Misbach.
BP188 .M85 2012
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
The ideal Muslim : the true Islamic personality as defined in the Qurʼan and Sunnah / by Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi ; translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab = Shakhṣīyat al-Muslim / Muḥammad ʻAlī al-Hāshimī.
BP134.M3 H369 2005
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic ethics -- Preaching. : Al-'Areefi, Muhammad Abdur-Rahman.
Enjoy your life the art of interpersonal relaions as exemplified in the prophet`s biography Muhammad Abdur-Rahman Al-'Areefi.
BJ1611.2 A34 2012
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic fundamentalism.
Beyond fundamentalism : confronting religious extremism in the age of globalization / Reza Aslan.
BP182 .A65 2010
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic fundamentalism since 1945 / Beverley Milton-Edwards.
BP166.14.F85 M55 2014
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Religious extremism in the lives of contemporary Muslims / by Abdul Rahmaan ibn Mualaa al-Luwaihiq al-Mutairi ; translated by Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo.
BP163 .L8813 2001
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic fundamentalism -- Afghanistan. : Rashid, Ahmed.
Taliban : militant Islam, oil and fundamentalism in Central Asia / Ahmed Rashid.
DS371.2 .R367 2010
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :In Transit, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Claims Retd
Islamic fundamentalism -- Bangladesh -- Fiction. : Anam, Tahmima,
The good Muslim : a novel / Tahmima Anam.
PR6101.N32 G67 2011
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic fundamentalism -- Dictionaries
September 11, 2001 / Rodney P. Carlisle, general editor
HV6432.7 .S44 2007
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic fundamentalism -- Europe. : A selection of schoolars and authors
Muslims of the west after September 11th / A selection of schoolars and authors
E184.M88 2007
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic fundamentalism -- History. : Simons, Thomas W.
Islam in a globalizing world / Thomas W. Simons, Jr.
BP50 .S56 2003
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic fundamentalism -- Netherlands. : Groen, Janny
Women warriors for Allah : an islamist network in the Netherlands / Janny Groen and Annieke Kranenberg ; translated by Robert Naborn ; foreword by Marc Sageman.
HV6433.N42 H64413 2010
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic fundamentalism -- Pakistan. : Malik, Iftikhar Haider,
Pakistan : democracy, terrorism, and the building of a nation / Iftikhar Malik.
DS389 .M368 2010
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic fundamentalism -- United States. : A selection of schoolars and authors
Muslims of the west after September 11th / A selection of schoolars and authors
E184.M88 2007
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic glassware. : Walton, Michelle.
Imperfect perfection : early Islamic glass / by Michelle Walton ; photographs by Marc Pelletreau.
NK5108.9 .W358 2012
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic interpretations of Jesus Christ. : Azami, Iqbal Ahmad
The great miracle : the story of the prophet Isa / edited by Iqbal Ahmad Azami
BT366 A93 2007
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic journey : abudaya , monia
Hajj : the journey through art exibition album / monia chekhab abudaya , cecile bresc
N6260. A283. 2014
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic law.
Man-made laws vs. Shariʻah : ruling by laws other than what Allah revealed / Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Salih al-Mahmood ; translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab.
JC49 .M231513 2003
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Read, Then Write Your Will/ hisham ibn fahmi ibn moussa al-aref.
BP195.I8 .A43 2014
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic law -- Biography. : Salahi, M. A.
Pioneers of Islamic scholarship / Adil Salahi.
KBP253 .S25 2006
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic law -- History.
The evolution of Fiqh : (Islamic law & the Madh-habs) / by Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips.
KBP50 .P45 2006
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
The Sharīʻa and Islamic criminal justice in time of war and peace / M. Cherif Bassiouni, DePaul University School of Law.
KBP50 .B37 2014
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic law -- Interpretation and construction.
The science of hadith terminology and classification = علم مصطلح الحديث / Muhammad Saeed Mitwally ar-Rahawān.
BP135.A1 R34 2012
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Shari'a : Islamic law in the contemporary context / edited by Abbas Amanat and Frank Griffel.
KBP440.3 .S52 2007
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
The Sunnah and its role in Islamic legislation / Mustafa as-Siba'iee ; translated by Faisal ibn Muhammad Shafeeq.
BP135 .S4813 2008
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
القواعد الحاكمة لفقه المعاملات / يوسف القرضاوي
KBP858.A32 Q26 2017
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic law -- Interpretation and construction -- History. : Bassiouni, M. Cherif,
The Sharīʻa and Islamic criminal justice in time of war and peace / M. Cherif Bassiouni, DePaul University School of Law.
KBP50 .B37 2014
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic law -- Philosophy. : Kamali, Mohammad Hashim.
Maqāṣid al-Sharī̉ah made simple / Mohammad Hashim Kamali.
KBP442 .K36 2008
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic learning and scholarship. : Salahi, M. A.
Pioneers of Islamic scholarship / Adil Salahi.
KBP253 .S25 2006
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic literature.
Islamic art, literature, and culture / edited by Kathleen Kuiper.
DS36.8 .I837 2010
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
islamic medicine : Ağırakça, Ahmet
history of islamic medicine / Ahmet Ağırakça
R143. A238. 2010
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic philosophy. : Mahdi, Muhsin.
Alfarabi and the foundation of Islamic political philosophy / Muhsin S. Mahdi ; with a foreword by Charles E. Butterworth.
B753.F34 M33 2001
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic philosophy -- Miscellanea. : العجلي ، معن شناع.
(no title)
Islamic religious education : Philips, Abu Ameenah Bilaal
The purpose of creation = الغاية من الخلق/ Abu Ameenah Bilaal Philips
BP166.23 P455 2006
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic religious -- education of children : Hamdan,Aisha.
Nurturing eeman in children = تنمية الايمان في الاطفال / Dr.Aisha Hamdan.
BP188.3.C5 .A374 2009
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islamic reliquaries. : Wheeler, Brannon M.,
Mecca and Eden : ritual, relics, and territory in Islam / Brannon Wheeler.
BP186.97 .W48 2006
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Islamic veil : Abdul hameed al balali
Why not cover your modesty = ما المانع من الحجاب Abdul hameed al balali
GT1720.2 B2741 2006
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Robinson Crusoe Danied Defoe retold Anthony Williams
PR3403 .D74 2008
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe
PR3403 .D74 2012
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Islands -- Fiction.
Anne of Green Gables / L.M. Montgomery ; introduction by Jack Zipes.
PZ7.M768 An 2009
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Lord of the flies / William Golding.
PR6013.O35 L6 2013
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Robinson Crusoe / retold from Daniel Defoe original by Deanna McFadden ; illustrated by Jamel Akib.
PZ7.M4784548 Ro 2006
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
The Swiss family Robinson / Johann David Wyss
PT2583.W9 S94 2000
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
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