The adventures of Robin Hood / retold from the Howard Pyle original by John Burrows ; illustrated by Lucy Corvino.
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Three musketeers
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
The road ahead/ Bill Gates with Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Rinearson; retold by Donald Domonkos.
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Black Beauty / Anna Sewell ; retold by John Escott ; illustrated by Sally Wern Comport.
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Black Beauty / Anna Sewell ; retold by John Escott ; illustrated by Sally Wern Comport.
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Black Beauty / Anna Sewell ; retold by John Escott ; illustrated by Sally Wern Comport.
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Black Beauty / Anna Sewell ; retold by John Escott ; illustrated by Sally Wern Comport.
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
L'ombre de la Princesse : roman / Mustapha El-Hamdaoui ;traduit de l'arabe par Nesrine Briki ; couverture : Dana Almed Al-safar.
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Princess shadow: a novel / Mustapha al-Hamdaoui ;translated by Shaimaa Abdel Aal ; Reviewed by Amir Yousry.
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Princess shadow: a novel / Mustapha al-Hamdaoui ;translated by Shaimaa Abdel Aal ; Reviewed by Amir Yousry.
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Princess shadow: a novel / Mustapha al-Hamdaoui ;translated by Shaimaa Abdel Aal ; Reviewed by Amir Yousry.
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
L'ombre de la Princesse : roman / Mustapha El-Hamdaoui ;traduit de l'arabe par Nesrine Briki ; couverture : Dana Almed Al-safar.
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Ethically hacking an industrial control system: analyzing, exploiting, mitigating, and safeguarding industrial processes for an ethical hacker/ Sharon Ferrone.
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Ethically hacking an industrial control system: analyzing, exploiting, mitigating, and safeguarding industrial processes for an ethical hacker/ Sharon Ferrone.
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
A dictionary of science / [editors, John Daintith, Elizabeth Martin].
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Lib Use Only, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Lib Use Only
Encyclopaedia of the history of science, technology, and medicine in non-western cultures / Helaine Selin (ed.).
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Lib Use Only, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Lib Use Only
فلسفة تاريخ العلم العربي ، عبد الحميد صبره رائدا / أ.د. خالد قطب، (أستاذ فلسفة العلوم-جامعة الفيوم، معار إلى جامعة قطر-كلية الآداب و العلوم).
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
مصباح علاء الدين : كيف وصلت العلوم الإغريقية إلى أوروبا عبر العالم الإسلامي / جون فريلي ؛ ترجمة سعيد الأسعد ، مروان البواب
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available