Starting English for Turkish speakers / Tracy Traynor ; illustrated by Anna Wilman.
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Teaching pronunciation : a course book and reference guide / Marianne Celce-Murcia, Donna M. Brinton, Janet M. Goodwin ; with Barry D. Griner.
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
2,000+ essential English verbs : the easiest way to master verbs and speak fluently! / written by Louise Stracke ; edited by Suzanne McQuade.
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
2,000+ essential English verbs : the easiest way to master verbs and speak fluently! / written by Louise Stracke ; edited by Suzanne McQuade.
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
The great preposition mystery : grammar review for intermediate/advanced students of EFL / Lin Lougheed ; revised by Shelley Vance Laflin
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
The great preposition mystery : grammar review for intermediate/advanced students of EFL / Lin Lougheed ; revised by Shelley Vance Laflin
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The great preposition mystery : grammar review for intermediate/advanced students of EFL / Lin Lougheed ; revised by Shelley Vance Laflin
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Teaching English grammar : what to teach and how to teach it / Jim Scrivener
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Plain style : a guide to written English / Christopher Lasch ; edited and with an introduction by Stewart Weaver.
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Plain style : a guide to written English / Christopher Lasch ; edited and with an introduction by Stewart Weaver.
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
The elements of style / by William Strunk, Jr. ; with revisions, an introduction, and a chapter on writing by E.B. White ; [foreword by Roger Angell]
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Great writing 1: great sentences for great paragraphs / Keith S Folse, April Muchmore-Vokoun and Elena Vestri Solomon.
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Literature : a world of writing : stories, poems, plays, essays / David L. Pike, Ana M. Acosta.
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available
Punctuation at work : simple principles for achieving clarity and good style / Richard Lauchman.
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
Punctuation at work : simple principles for achieving clarity and good style / Richard Lauchman.
CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Available, CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Available
The dictionary of concise writing : more than 10,000 alternatives to wordy phrases / [Robert Hartwell Fiske ; foreword by Richard Lederer].
CCQ - Lusail Female Library :Lib Use Only, CCQ - Lusail Male Library:Lib Use Only